M10.2 Blog about MSDS and ToxNet

Material Safety Data Sheets are kept at workplaces where there may be a potential harm to it's workers from chemical exposures. These sheets provide employees and emergency personnel with safety percussions and chemical background. I do not work in a work place with environmental hazards so I looked at one for employees at a gas station.

Using TOXNET, I looked up benzene, a chemical that makes up gasoline. It was found that the chemical is a known human carcinogen for all routes of exposure. Studies have found that high levels of benzene exposure have been linked to leukemia. Immediate signs of high levels of benzene inhalation include dizziness, rapid heartbeat, tremors, and confusion. High levels of consumption of benzene include headaches, convulsions, irregular heartbeats and irritation of stomach.

For gas station workers who spend alot of time around gasoline, it is recommended they wear gloves when handling station tools. It would also be recommended to have workplaces install HEPA filters in attempt to purify the workspace. This would be a costly investment at gas stations and not many would be willing to pay for one.


  1. I never thought about the occupational hazard of gas stations - especially with what you mentioned combined with the fumes from idling cars. I wonder if they have any regulations for air quality there. That would be a good place to start!

  2. great thinking to look up gas station workers exposures! HEPA filters would be a great addition to the gloves workers are already supposed to wear.


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