M1.5 Blog Assignment: Environmental Health Home Assessment Submit Assignment

The home assessment questionnaire is an easy and helpful tool to identify potential health hazards in your home. Prior to seeing this assessment, I had not thought about assessing the lead in my water because I had assumed that my water is safe in San Francisco. It is helpful to know the year the building was built to get a better idea of potential health exposures as these houses were built before housing regulations were put in place. Even though my house was built in the 2000s, I am now curious to know if/how to test for lead and radon. My house has a basement, which is only accessible from the outside and used for storage purposes only. Having someone living in the basement would expose them to higher levels of radon since they are closer to the source.

We are supposed rely on government officials to create policies and regulations to keep the population safe from environmental health risks but this assumption has shown to be wrong. Ultimately, we are responsible for our own home-based environmental health risks. By using the assessment tool below, we can identify potential risks and begin to minimize or eliminate the exposure.

Jaclyn's Completed Home Assessment Tool


  1. Hi Jaclyn!
    I am happy to hear your home is on the safer side. I too agree that yes the government sets policies and regulations for homeowners but it is up to the homeowners to really take action. We are ultimately responsible for any potentially hazardous materials in our home and need to take the proper precautions to protect ourselves. Great post!

  2. Hi Jaclyn!
    I agree that the government is not properly protecting us with policies and regulations. I'm glad your home is mostly safe, but I wish we could rely on the institutions in place to protect us. I'm surprised you have a basement, I didn't realize Sam Francisco homes have those! Glad no one is living there at least!


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