M2.4 Blog Assignment: Ken Cook and Advocacy Organizations on Toxics in Personal Care Products

Ken Cook's discussion on "10 Americans" is a video every adult should watch. Chemical exposure in-utero is overlooked but we need to begin examining this more as we see an increase in overall health issues. Health issues that were never an issue in past generations are now becoming the norm. For example, rates of allergies, cancers, infertility, and autism are on a steady rise.

It was shocking to find that the hundreds of chemicals found in the blood were from unborn children. These young children have not even had a chance to live yet and they already are exposed to detrimental health exposures. The children are our future and we need protect them and ensure that they all have a fair chance at life.

There are currently approximately 1,400 chemicals that are banned by the European Union but still being used in the US. The US is so consumed with profits and are neglecting the health of it's citizens. More regulations need to be put in place to prevent new chemicals from being made available to the general public. Additionally, chemical corporations and policy makers need to understand that 'low levels' of a chemical are still dangerous. Man made chemicals do not belong in nature and they most certainly do not belong in our bodies.


  1. Hi Jaclyn,
    I also found this video extremely shocking. I had no idea this vulnerable population was being exposed to so many toxins when they weren't even out into the real-world yet. 1,400! I knew the list was long but thats crazy. It really goes to show that our government needs to better control these chemicals and just because products have a "low level" of something doesn't mean they are safe.
    Really eye-opening. Great post!

  2. Hi Jaclyn
    I agree - every American should watch Ken Cook's video. That video surprised me so much - I did not realize in-utero exposure to environmental toxins was such a big thing. I don't understand why the US is not banning these chemicals when the EU has already done so. I can't believe they're made in countries that won't allow them yet we keep purchasing them! I hope this changes soon.


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