M3.2 Vulnerable Populations
There is increasing amount of evidence to show that our children, one of the world's most vulnerable, are facing higher health risks due to chemical use. As an individual with a science background and sense of common knowledge, it is hard for me to waive off the potential negative effects chemicals have on children. Chemical production companies claim that their products are safe because hazardous effects cannot be seen with such little exposure in parts per billion. It is hard to accept their claim when we are seeing a rise in developmental disorders and other health effects among children.
It has long been believed that fetuses in the womb are protected by the placenta but studies now show that children are exposed to the mother's chemicals in the womb. Children are exposed to toxic chemicals before they even have a fair shot at life.
With evidence that fetuses are not protected in the placenta, we will see increased health disparities among income levels. "One's zip code matters more than our genetic code" -Rishi Manchanda. Pregnant mothers living in lower income neighborhoods face more toxic environmental exposures, which is then exposed to their unborn children.
Health professionals need to begin looking at environmental health as a cause of their adverse health symptoms. Physicians are not trained to ask patients their home environment and to correlate the symptoms to their home environments. They rely on abnormal lab test to indicate an illness. Physicians need to begin understanding how home factors can impact health. It is hard for some to understand how adverse health be possible when there are no lab tests to show otherwise. We need to train our physicians to look around at the patients environment.
I completely agree with you. If doctors spent just a little more time asking basic questions (like where they live), many environmentally caused illnesses would be avoided. I hope by opening the eyes of physicians to this information, we can overall receive better care and better health outcomes.