M4.2 Blog Assignment: National Library ToxNet

Perchlorethylene is a common cleaning product used in dry cleaning, which is rapidly excreted but can still do damage to the body. The chemical can cross the placenta in a pregnant woman's womb. The chemical not only poses a threat to workers in the dry cleaning industry, but also to the indivudals who take their clothes home. The fumes can be inhaled, especially if not cleaned properly. They have also been found to contaminate food of grocery stores next to dry cleaning places.

Another lecture of interest was the lead used in gasoline and industrial factories. The lead that gets emitted cannot decompose because it is an element so it becomes settled in the streets, soil, etc.

Using the TOXNET database, I looked up for more information regarding urea formaldehyde. From my search, I found that the acute oral dose for rats was 414 mg/kg and for rabbits, it was 1120mg/kg. There were no information regarding the lethal dose for humans as this would be inhumane to experiment this on humans. However, it can be assumed that there is a lethal dose for humans as well if the exposure was too high.


  1. The perc lecture was really interesting, I had heard about the dangers of dry cleaners but never thought too much to look into it. Hearing how the fumes are dangerous to not only the workers but the people who take the clothes home was really disappointing.


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