M4.5 Think about it / Group Exercise

When I was younger, we actually had a guidance implemented on using fragrance free products. This was the time when AXE body spray was highly popular and teenage boys were spraying it everywhere. I think the teachers/administration/students were becoming nauseated by the fumes that the school had issued a guidance on using fragrance free products. They supported it as the fragrances  were irritating for those with allergies and/or scent sensitivities. This is something they now do with peanuts in schools. Since there are many children with peanut allergies, most schools now as that students not bring in peanut based products.

Implementing a fragrance free policy in a school or hospital would be manageable. It would become difficult when trying to implement this same policy in gyms, universities, or workplaces. It becomes a touchy subject in these settings as you begin to control a person's personal choice. WeWork recently tried to implement a meat-free policy at their company, which caused a huge uproar and the policy was rolled back.

Having control over what products individuals use is very difficult. If we want to ensure that people are using safe, fragrance-free products; we will need to enforce greater regulations on the manufacturing companies to develop alternatives.


  1. I remember the axe phase very well! You make a really good point that if we want more fragrance-free products, the government will need to enforce a-lot more regulations on the companies who make them.


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