M8.4 Blog Chemical Policy Reform

The Louisville Charter does an excellent job of encompassing on all important aspects of effective management of chemicals. On of the background papers for this charter focuses on phasing out persistent, bioaccumulative, and highly toxic chemicals. I am still trying to wrap my brain around why governments still allow chemicals that are persistent and bioaccumulative chemicals to be available. Humans are the individuals that suffer the most from these chemicals from being widely available.

I think that people are beginning to become more aware of the environment and how the choices they make can have an impact on the Earth. In recent news, climate change has been a hot topic and it is widely agreed among scientists that unless we clean up our act now, the Earth is in for very drastic changes. Changes not in favor of humans. We need governmental organizations and lobbyists that it is time to look away from profits and look at the future of the planet, or there will not be one left for our children (and maybe even us).


  1. I completely agree with you. I think the more people become aware of what is happening to our environment, the more they want change their ways and the products they use.

  2. I feel the same way. I don't understand how the people making these decisions (even if that decision is to ignore the problem) can do so - it's hurting themselves and their "legacy"!


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