M5.7 Blog: Your Sewage Facilities
There are 3 water sewage facilities in San Francisco: Southeast, Oceanside, and North Point. The southeast water treatment facility is the largest in the city and can be found located in the Bayview neighborhood. This facility treats 80% of the city's flow of water; this equates to 57 million gallons of waste water per day. As this system was built in 1952, majority of the system is running on dated technology and will need to be updated to keep up with the city's needs. Oceanside treatment facility is located by the Great Highway and treats approximately 20% of the city's water flow; this equates to 17 million gallons of waste water per day. The water that has been treated here flows right back to the ocean. This facility is the newest facility built (1993), but needs constant maintenance due to the harsh marine weather by the ocean. The North Point treatment facility is located near fisherman's wharf and only operates when the Southeast facility nears its capacity...